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Window cleaning services in Portsmouth and Basingstoke

Why you need window cleaners? This is a question that is often raised, when a topic of residential window cleaning is brought up. After all how hard a window cleaning job can be? A simple answer would be – with right equipment and ample time, it wouldn’t be that tough. Unfortunately, an average homeowner rarely has the supplies or the time to get the job done right. Here is a list how proper window cleaning should be done and what kind of equipment would be required to do the job to help you decide if DIY job will be good or you need the professionals to handle the job.

All Portsmouth cleaners know window cleaning begins and ends with glass- a glass that is spotless. This requires a good window washing solution, a good brush for scrubbing windows and a clean rag or chamois cloth. It also needs a large ladder to reach up to the top of the window. And more importantly window cleaning is both interior and exterior cleaning job. If a window cleaner tells you that washers just operate on the exteriors, start looking for a new hire.

As it is important to get the glass cleaning, it is equally important to get the screens washed. Over the time dust and moisture get deposited on them. So it is important to get the screens cleaned as well.

The final thing that you need to consider – whether you do it yourself or get that done by some cleaners in Basingstoke, is money. First if you have made your mind to do it on your own, buy a large ladder, long enough to reach the farthest window with ease. And then buy a good squeegee to clean the windows. Knowing the price of all such things and calculating the time that you spend you can compare it with price quoted by a good cleaning team. You need to know that opportunity cost needs to be lower.

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